“The major concentration in my studies has been on the mind and the brain. How do they work? How do we communicate? I have studied a lot of philosophy as well as history and psychology.” -RF
ALEGRIA ETERNA, BESO MARINO 1985 22 x 30 inches Oil pastel, ink, silver leaf, and collage elements on paper.
6:53 PM 1985 22 x 30 inches Pastel, pencil, watercolor, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
EL TODO EN TODO 1986 22 x 30 inches Wax pencil, graphite, oil pastel, acrylic, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
EFECTO Y CAUSA 1985 22 x 30 inches Oil pastel, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
LA PREGUNTA ES QUIEN LLEGO PRIMERO... BACH, BOTTICELLI, DIOS, O BEETHOVEN? 1985 22 x 30 inches Oil pastel, color pencil, watercolor, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
COMPOSICION MUSICAL, COMO LLORANDO AL FINAL 1985 22 x 30 inches Oil pastel, color pencil, watercolor, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
FONDO DEL MAR 1985 22 x 30 inches Oil pastel, graphite, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
EL ROJO ES EL COLOR QUE MAS VIBRA 1985 22 x 30 inches Oil pastel, color pencil, watercolor, ink, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
EL PRINCIPIO DE LA CORRESPONDENCIA 1985 22 x 30 inches Oil pastel, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
CAUSA Y EFECTO 1985 22 x 30 inches Oil pastel, color pencil, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
LENTAMENTE COMO UNA CARICIA DE OJOS 1985 22 x 30 inches Oil pastel, ink, graphite, watercolor, and collage elements on paper.
LA VIDA DEL GATO 1985 22 x 30 inches Oil pastel, acrylic, graphite, and collage elements on paper.
NADA ES INMOVIL, TODO SE MUEVE, TODO VIBRA 1985 22 x 30 inches Oil pastel, color pencil, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
EL TODO ES MENTE; EL UNIVERSO ES MENTAL 1985 22 x 30 inches Oil pastel, color pencil, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
EL PRINCIPIO DE LA POLARIDAD 1985 22 x 30 inches Oil pastel, color pencil, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
EL PRINCIPIO DEL RITMO 1985 22 x 30 inches Color pencil, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
RETINUTO POCO A POCO PENSANDO EN LA HORA DEL DIA 1985 22 x 30 inches Oil pastel, color pencil, ink, watercolor, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
PRINCIPIO DE GENERACION 1985 22 x 30 inches Oil pastel, color pencil, ink, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
EL PRINCIPIO DE... 1985 30 x 22 inches Graphite, oil pastel, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
EL TODO ES MENTE; EL UNIVERSO ES MENTAL EL PRINCIPIO DE LA CORRESPONDENCIA 1985 30 x 22 inches Oil pastel, color pencil, and collage elements on paper.
COMO ES ARRIBA ES ABAJO, COMO ES ABAJO ES ARRIBA 1985 30 x 22 inches Wax pencil, graphite, oil pastel, acrylic, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
EL PRINCIPIO DE LA POLARIZACION 1985 30 x 22 inches Oil pastel, graphite, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
TODO SE MUEVE, TODO VIBRA 1985 30 x 22 inches Graphite, oil pastel, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.
CARIDAD Y SABIDURIA 1986 12.75 x 9.75 inches Wax pencil, graphite, oil pastel, acrylic, gold leaf, and collage elements on paper.